A downloadable game for Linux
You are the disciplined lines of Britain's greatest fighting force of all time! the French are at it again, trying to take over the world, but keep a stiff upper lip and give em a sound thrashing! This game has only one control: the left mouse button.
Click the button to aim, and release to fire. Your troops will automatically reload. The longer you aim, the better your accuracy. the French are an undisciplined lot, firing wildly and spewing out insults. Their 3 tap loading method however, makes their muskets a bit faster to reload than your standard issue brown bess. you will be reinforced every 1000 ticks. Hold your front line together, and aim and the first row will kneel, while the back row stands.
Should you manage to defeat the French (its hard), the Prussians will try unite Germany, and we cant have that, now can we?
Techy stuff
To run open up the grenadiers.desktop, or run "" The love engine(64bit), and its dependencies have been included in this package, and tested on linux mint, and ategros (a variant of arch)
Running with your native version of LOVE:
This game requires the latest version of the love engine to run, 11.0 It will run on 0.10, but NOT well on 0.9 without code hacking. Mint and Ubuntu tend to be behind on LOVE versions. Run the following commands, if on Ubuntu or Mint to upgrade. (Arch users should be fine)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bartbes/love-stable
sudo apt-get update
Click download now to get access to the following files:
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